
Pigmentation is the deepening or intensification of the skin’s natural color. It can be found in a variety of clinical circumstances, ranging from normal skin color changes to post-inflammatory pigmentation.

The most difficult aspect of treating pigmentation is determining the reason. This informs the therapeutic strategy. Treatment failure and patient dissatisfaction are common when there is a lack of awareness of the aetiology of pigmentation.


Melanin, a pigment produced by skin cells known as melanocytes, gives the skin its color. Melanin production might be affected if these cells become sick or destroyed. Hyperpigmentation occurs when the body generates too much melanin, causing the skin to darken. This process can be aided by pregnancy, hormone changes, and sun exposure. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, on the other hand, is common in acne sufferers and can be caused by tissue damage, wounds, or specialized skin treatments like chemical peels or dermabrasion.

How can we protect our skin-

  • Strict daily sun protection
  • Minimize estrogen consumption
  • Avoid specific treatments

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